Tuesday, September 14, 2004


Just because you're out of school doesn't mean you can't join the Rhetoricians for Peace and the National Council of Teachers of English in their 1984+20 project.

In short, the goals of the project:

The project is sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), and began at the College Composition and Communication Conference in March of 2004, with a motion by Rhetoricians for Peace member Harriet Malinowitz. The full text of the motion, which passed unanimously, is: "The intentional manipulation of public discourse for political and commercial purposes has intensified in recent years. In light of this, we urge NCTE to sponsor a national reading and writing assignment for fall 2004 on Orwell’s 1984 for colleges, high schools, communities, and libraries. In support, the NCTE should create resources, forums, and websites for student, teacher, and community projects."

Support materials for the project may be found here. Why not start a reading group in your own community, be it physical or virtual?

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