Friday, June 23, 2006

This old house & this aging body.

Progress is happening on the house acquisition: loan paperwork in motion, inspection scheduled. Please keep your fingers crossed for us next week, that the appraisal goes well (else no loan, of course), that the inspection goes well, that the appraisal and inspection of our current house go well, that all manner of things go well.

In other news, I went back in the weight room today after a many month hiatus. I had been having some pain in my left shoulder, and decided that heavy swim training + weights might be too much. Now I have dialed back the swimming volume a bit, so it's back to the weight room. Got good directions from my coach friend (the same who helped me prep for nationals). It was a pretty moderate session, but given the shakiness of my arms, I know it will be a stiff weekend for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My fingers are crossed. M